La informació més destacada en Recerca i Innovació

Número 497 - 24 de octubre de 2022

Consulta el nostre històric Núm. 562 Núm. 561 Núm. 560 Núm. 559


L’Estat de la Ciència a Catalunya - - Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI)

L’Estat de la Ciència a Catalunya és un informe biennal que neix de la necessitat de disposar de dades actualitzades de la recerca i la innovació catalana, i analitzar, de forma sistemàtica i contextualitzada, els seus resultats a nivell europeu. A partir de les dades i indicadors més rellevants, aportades pels diferents agents del sistema de recerca i innovació, es posa en relleu l’estat de la nostra recerca, detectant-ne tant les fortaleses com els punts de millora, permetent alhora apreciar-ne l’evolució al llarg del temps.
Resum executiu
Taula d'indicadors 2021
Glossari indicadors
Web informe

Operationalising open research Europe as a collective publishing enterprise - European Commission

This is an independent expert study commissioned in the context of the ERA to support the future development of Open Research Europe (ORE), the European Commission open access publishing platform, as a collective pan-European publishing initiative supported by funders and institutions across Europe. The study focuses on the business model that ORE should adopt in the future. It assesses the current funding and organizational model and proposes a model for the future of ORE. The study provides a unique insight into ORE and the possibilities for the future and will be very interesting for funders wishing to participate, and other policymakers, amongst others.


Gender in research - European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)

Promoting gender equality is a key principle of the EU in all its activities. European research still shows a pronounced under-representation of women, particularly in the hard sciences and in leadership positions. Gender equality in research is essential not only for fairness and inclusiveness, but because it could help address current and future deficits in skilled labour within the EU and support the transition to a fair, green and digital society. Gender equality provides important leverage for enhancing the competitiveness of research and innovation (R & I) organisations in Europe, for increasing their innovation performance and for transforming them into more equitable and inclusive organisations.

Fostering coherence in EU health research: Strengthening EU research for better health - European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS). European Parliament

The COVID 19 pandemic prompted reinforced investment in health research, to support rapid research and innovation for vaccine development and health care measures. The European Union response highlighted strengths and weaknesses in EU research organisation and funding. Over time, EU investment in health research has been aimed at increasing knowledge and transfer of knowledge into innovation, for better health. To this end, several instruments have been developed, but the impact of these efforts is hampered by fragmentation and a lack of synergy between strategies at different levels. Inequalities in health and research across Member States need further measures. Policies can take inspiration from successful health research organisation and policies inside and outside the EU, for more coherence and throughput to implementation. Health research needs strong leadership to engage in global health and to tackle the challenges of the interconnectedness of health with environmental and climate challenges, and durable economic development. Stakeholder involvement in a formal structure will secure permanent dialogue for fruitful research and development.

Annex 1

Análisis de la colaboración científica entre España y Estados Unidos. 2015-2021 - Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT)

En este informe se ha analizado la producción científica en colaboración entre España y Estados Unidos desde el año 2015 al 2021 y se presenta como continuación del anterior informe elaborado por FECYT y que analizaba el decenio 2005-2014. En el estudio de la producción científica, la tipología documental analizada incluye aquellos documentos publicados en revistas científicas que han sido revisados por pares (artículos, revisiones y actas de las principales conferencias científicas). La fuente de los datos es Scival de Elsevier, a partir de datos Scopus.

The Pharmaceutical Industry and Global Health - Facts and Figures 2022 - International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA)

This compendium of facts and figures relating to the biopharmaceutical industry and global health aims to provide a snapshot of the work this industry undertakes today. This publication examines the most recent available data on biopharmaceutical innovation and global health, access to medicines and healthcare systems, as well as the economic footprint of the innovative biopharmaceutical industry. This includes key insights on the COVID-19 vaccines and treatments that were developed at record speed and manufactured in historic quantities by the innovative biopharmaceutical industry.

Skills for the Digital Transition: Assessing Recent Trends Using Big Data - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

This report presents the most recent trends in the labour market demand for digital professionals and skills, highlighting where bottlenecks are emerging and policy action is – and will be – needed to support individuals who aim to thrive in the digital transition. The report analyses a wide range of digital occupations and the associated skill and technology demands using a unique set of data collected from millions of job postings published online in Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States, Singapore and Spain. The evidence contained in this report is key for governments to design targeted retraining and upskilling policies, and for workers to fully benefit from the digital transition.

Plastics – the Facts 2022 - Plastics Europe

Plastics - the Facts is an analysis of the latest data related to plastics production, demand, conversion and waste management in Europe. It also provides information on key figures of the European plastics industry. In short, this report gives an insight into the industry’s contribution to European society.

Open Science As Part of a Well-Functioning Research System (Direction paper) - Science Europe

Science Europe and its public research funding and performing member organisations are committed to support open science as part of a well-functioning research system. Recalling Science Europe’s strategic vision, mission, and values, they strive for open and seamless collaboration between all actors involved in the research process, as well as open access to research outputs. They also support meaningful involvement of societal actors whenever relevant in the research process.



Premis Pioner 2022 per a tesis doctorals amb aplicació comercial

Convocant: Institució CERCA

Àrea de coneixement: Genèriques

Termini sol·licitud: 11/11/2022

Informació convocatòria: Informació i bases de la convocatòria


Ayudas a las Plataformas Tecnológicas y de Innovación

Convocant: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Àrea de coneixement: Genèriques

Termini sol·licitud: 22/11/2022

Informació convocatòria: BOE núm. 251 de 19/10/2022


Horizon - Call for proposals for ERC Proof of Concept Grant (ERC-2023-POC)

Convocant: European Commission

Àrea de coneixement: Genèriques

Termini sol·licitud: 21/9/2023

Informació convocatòria: Call information

21/10/2022  |  Ciència i economia
Dos projectes coordinats a Catalunya, seleccionats a la segona convocatòria EIC Pathfinder - Acció Exterior i Unió Europea
21/10/2022  |  Ciència i recerca,  Vida i salut
L’Ajuntament i el CREAF signen un conveni per impulsar l’Observatori de la Biodiversitat de Barcelona - Ajuntament de Barcelona
20/10/2022  |  Vida i salut
Nanotechnology for improved natural-look ocular prostheses - ICN2
20/10/2022  |  Ciencia i societat,  Humanes i socials
Una exposició mostra la recerca prehistòrica feta al Parc Natural de la Serra de Montsant - Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural
17/10/2022  |  Ciència i economia,  Enginyeria i arquitectura
Dissenyen un nou mesurador de camp magnètic que es pot integrar en un xip microelectrònic - UPC
17/10/2022  |  Vida i salut
New method to sequence the human mitochondrial genome - CNAG
17/10/2022  |  Ciència i economia,  Enginyeria i arquitectura
El Pla Estratègic del Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya promou un model més sostenible, innovador, industrial i digital - Empresa i Treball
IndieDevDay - 5a Fira del Videojoc Indie a Barcelona - Cotxeres de Sants (Barcelona), 29/10/2022 - 30/10/2022
Grans preguntes sobre el cervell i la ment - CCCB (Barcelona), 2/11/2022 - 8/11/2022
Open Science and Research Data Management - Parc Científic de Barcelona, 8/11/2022 - 10/11/2022
Cafè amb la Recerca - Reptes i oportunitats de la IA a l'àmbit de la salut - Casa de la Convalescència (Barcelona), 10/11/2022
Cafè amb la Recerca - Agrotechfood: Indústria 4.0 i economia circular - Leitat Technological Center (Terrassa), 23/11/2022
Tech Spirit 2022 - Casa Llotja de Mar (Barcelona), 30/11/2022 - 1/12/2022