Compàs Emprèn - El teu repositori d'impuls a l'emprenedoria - - Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI) [+]
Aquest repositori, adreçat a tots els agents de l'àmbit de la recerca i la innovació que treballen i impulsen l'emprenedoria dels estudiants i titulats universitaris, siguin graduats, màsters o doctorands, us ofereix informació sobre les diferents iniciatives i programes de suport a l'emprenedoria disponibles.
R&I for a fair green transition - Project review and policy analysis - European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities (EASSH) [+]
This report discusses the research in Social and Human Sciences (SSH) funded at the European level via Horizon 2020 (H2020) and the type of academic publications, which emerged between 2017 and 2021, and address the relation between green policies and the labour market in particular. It specifically considers what gaps there are in the research in relation to the human and social costs of the green transition, regulatory reform and, to the required reforms in education, and technical and vocational training to equip youth for the future job market. In the final part of the study, drawing on the contribution of a panel of experts, consideration is given to other important research themes which have not yet emerged either in project funding or in the research literature.
Incentives and skills – Focus on research talent – Mutual learning exercise on knowledge valorisation - European Commission [+]
The Thematic report focuses on the lesson learned from the Topic 2b meeting in Vienna on research talents, capacity building and intersectoral mobility for knowledge valorisation. The report highlights the need for fostering intersectoral mobility to bolster innovation in Europe.
Citizens’ awareness of EU missions and opportunities for citizen engagement - European Commission [+]
This policy brief covers insights from a survey implemented in Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Poland, and Romania designed to understand citizen awareness of the challenges addressed by the EU missions (soil, oceans, and waterways, cancer, climate adaptation and climate neutral smart cities) and their willingness to participate in citizen engagement (CE) activities aimed at addressing these challenges. The survey results will be of relevance to DGs and teams as well as their wider networks of stakeholders working on citizen engagement in public and social challenges, with a particular relevance to those working on the EU missions.
Access to and preservation of scientific information in Europe - European Commission [+]
Open science refers to an approach to the scientific process based on cooperative work and new ways of disseminating knowledge, improving accessibility to and re-usability of research outputs by using digital technologies and new collaborative tools. Invited by the European Commission, EU Member States and on a voluntary basis by five countries associated to the EU Framework Programmes for research (‘Associated Countries’) have been collecting data regarding their progress in implementing the 2018 Commission Recommendation on open access to and preservation of scientific information1. This report provides information and analysis about the developments that have taken place during the period 2018-2022. The data provides a state of play of open science policies and practices at national level, while the analysis focuses on trends in the implementation.
What if? Exploring possible futures of transnational cooperation for Europe’s universities - European University Association (EUA) [+]
This report analyses external drivers of change in six dimensions (political, economic, social, legal, technological and environmental) and outlines four different forecasts of possible futures for transnational university cooperation with partners in Europe and beyond.
Las 10 Tecnologías Emergentes 2024 - MIT Technology Review [+]
Cada año, 'MIT Technology Review' selecciona las 10 tecnologías que más impacto tendrán en nuestras vidas. Desde la generalización de la IA hasta los tratamientos comerciales de edición genética, pasando por ordenadores a exaescala y avances en energía limpia como los sistemas geotérmicos mejorados, esto es lo que podemos esperar en 2024.
Unlocking co-creation for green innovation - An exploration of the diverse contributions of universities - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) [+]
In the context of the green transition, universities have much to offer in joint green innovation projects with business, government and citizens. As hubs of diverse expertise, universities are uniquely placed to build interdisciplinary teams and bridge gaps between society and industry. Their regional ties also enable them to engage with the local ecosystem. This paper draws from ten international case studies of university partnerships with industry and society in green mobility, green energy and green products, services and processes. The comparative evidence gathered from interviews with representatives from these initiatives examines universities’ practices for green co-creation. Additionally, the paper outlines policy recommendations crucial to supporting these initiatives, essential for the global success of sustainable development efforts.
Veus. Xerrades divulgatives de la UAB - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) [+]
Veus és la iniciativa de la UAB perquè estudiants de doctorat, personal de investigació, d’administració i serveis i alumni puguin fer divulgació de la ciència a la societat en format de xerrades.
Green Technology Book - World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) [+]
WIPO’s second edition of the Green Technology Book illustrates how innovation, technology and intellectual property are at the forefront of climate change mitigation. This edition focuses on cities, agriculture and land use, and industry and highlights a broad range of technologies and solutions aiming to mitigate climate change.
Convocatòria de Recerca Social 2024
Convocante: Observatori Social de ”la Caixa”
Área de conocimiento: Humanas y sociales
Plazo de solicitud: 23/01/2024
Información convocatoria: Informació de la convocatòria
I Premi Manel Esteller d'Iniciació a la Recerca Biomèdica
Convocante: Ajuntament de Sant Boi de Llobregat
Área de conocimiento: Vida y salud
Plazo de solicitud: 24/01/2024
Información convocatoria: Informació de la convocatòria
Beques Daniel Bravo per estades curtes a l’estranger en projectes de recerca cardiovascular
Convocante: Fundació Privada Daniel Bravo-Andreu
Área de conocimiento: Vida y salud
Plazo de solicitud: 18/03/2024
Información convocatoria: Informació i bases de la convocatòria
Convocatoria 2024 de subvenciones de la Acción Estratégica en Salud 2021-2023
Convocante: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Área de conocimiento: Vida y salud
Plazo de solicitud: 15/10/2024
Información convocatoria: BOE núm. 305 de 29/12/2023
Horizon - EIC Accelerator 2024 (HORIZON-EIC-2024-ACCELERATOR-01)
Convocante: European Commission
Área de conocimiento: Genéricas
Plazo de solicitud: 24/12/2024
Información convocatoria: Call information