La informació més destacada en Recerca i Innovació

Número 594 - 13 de gener de 2025

Consulta el nostre històric Núm. 597 Núm. 596 Núm. 595 Núm. 594


Compàs Emprèn - El teu repositori d'impuls a l'emprenedoria - - Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI)

Aquest repositori, adreçat a tots els agents de l'àmbit de la recerca i la innovació que treballen i impulsen l'emprenedoria dels estudiants i titulats universitaris, siguin graduats, màsters o doctorands, us ofereix informació sobre les diferents iniciatives i programes de suport a l'emprenedoria disponibles.

Proyectos CDTI en fase de comercialización en el período 2020-2021 - Monitorización de resultados - Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación (CDTI)

Informe de monitorización 2024, con los resultados obtenidos por 1.039 proyectos de I+D individuales apoyados por el CDTI y 386 participaciones de empresas en proyectos financiados con otros instrumentos (Consorcios CIEN, proyectos de I+D en Cooperación Internacional, proyectos de I+D en Cooperación Nacional y Línea Directa de Innovación), con fecha prevista de comercialización de resultados en 2020-2021.

Skills and intersectoral, interdisciplinary, and interoperable careers – Mutual learning exercise on research careers – Second thematic report - European Commission

This thematic report has been prepared in the context of the Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE) on Research Careers. The report focuses on the topic of Skills and Intersectoral, Interdisciplinary, and Interoperable Careers and is based on a survey sent to the 16 participating countries in the MLE in August 2024 and the second meeting of the MLE held in Stockholm on 26-27 September 2024. The report addresses key concepts, existing regulations, policies, and support measures, lessons learned, and good practices on skills and intersectoral, interdisciplinary, and interoperable careers.

Charting the digital and technological future of Europe - What priorities for the European Commission in 2024-2029? - European University Institute

Digital policies play a key role in shaping Europe’s economy and society. Much is at stake: individual freedom, human rights, democracy, economic prosperity, social welfare, and the geopolitical position of Europe on the global stage. In recent years, Europe has strived towards achieving a just and human-centric digital transformation, introducing significant and innovative legislations. But Europe can do more to create more wealth and foster fairer, more sustainable, and inclusive social, economic, and political conditions. This Report contributes to the conversation on the digital future of Europe. In an interdisciplinary spirit, it brings together researchers from distinct scholarly fields and methods – professors, fellows and associates – working at the European University Institute on the digital transformation. Each contribution is a short ‘think piece’ that translates academic ideas into policy recommendations. The Report addresses a wide array of topics, including digital competition and innovation, AI and emerging technologies, data, media and democracy, as well as the geopolitical dimensions of Europe’s digital policy.

Tech Trends 2025 - 5 Trends Shaping 2025 and Beyond - Globant

The yearly report explores crucial sectors expected to experience substantial transformations in the near future. These developments signify a move toward a reality where technology is more user-friendly, compassionate, and integrated into everyday life.

Technology Predictions 2025 - GP Bullhound

This year marks a shift from theory to reality for emerging technologies. GP Bullhound's predictions include examples such as quantum sensing moving from labs to real-world applications, multimodal AI transforming market interactions, agentic AI tackling complex problems independently, and much more.

Scientific report - For an innovative, sustainable and fair economy in Europe - Joint Research Centre (JRC). European Commission

The EU agreed to phase out fossil fuel subsidies (FFS). Nevertheless, FFS strongly increased in 2022 to address the effects of the energy price spikes reached during the energy crisis. Phasing out FFS is therefore also a critical element analysed as part of the European Semester. This paper provides a detailed picture of recent trends and discusses the methodological challenges in analysing FFS.

Imaging the future - Horizon scanning for emerging technologies and breakthrough innovations in the field of medical imaging and AI - Joint Research Centre (JRC). European Commission

This report documents the process and findings of a horizon scanning exercise, part of a series under the FUTURINNOV (FUTURe-oriented detection and assessment of emerging technologies and break-through INNOVation) project, a collaboration between the European Innovation Council (EIC) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC), aiming to bolster the EIC's strategic intelligence through foresight and anticipatory methodologies. The workshop, held on 17 September 2024, had as its primary goal the evaluation and prioritisation of trends and signals on emerging technologies and breakthrough innovation, across all technology readiness levels (TRLs), within the EIC's Medical Imaging and AI portfolio.

A review of existing tools for citizen science research on soil health - Joint Research Centre (JRC). European Commission

Soil-related citizen science projects have gained significant interest driven by the prominence of soil within public policy agendas. Amongst others, this includes the EU Soil Strategy for 2030, which contributes to the objectives of the EU Green Deal and proposes specific actions to increase citizen engagement on soils. Increasing citizen engagement is also one of the building blocks in the EU Mission: A Soil Deal for Europe. This work reviews over 60 citizen science projects, across the globe, that considered soil health.

World Smart Cities Outlook 2024 - United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

The World Smart Cities Outlook 2024 provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of people-centred smart city development globally. Serving as a foundational reference for drafting the International Guidelines on People-Centred Smart Cities, the report offers qualitative and quantitative insights into smart city trends, challenges and opportunities, including fresh data on regional variations, the digital divide, skills gaps and much more. It evaluates the impact of smart city technologies and strategies on sustainability, resilience, equity, social inclusion, accessibility and quality of life.



Becas Leonardo de Investigación Científica y Creación Cultural en Física, Química e Ingenierías 2024

Convocant: Fundación BBVA

Àrea de coneixement: Genèriques

Termini sol·licitud: 31/1/2025

Informació convocatòria: Bases de la convocatoria

Subvenciones para estancias en el extranjero para personal docente e investigador

Convocant: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades

Àrea de coneixement: Genèriques

Termini sol·licitud: 6/2/2025

Informació convocatòria: BOE núm. 315 de 31/12/2024

Ayudas Beatriz Galindo para la atracción del talento investigador

Convocant: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades

Àrea de coneixement: Genèriques

Termini sol·licitud: 8/2/2025

Informació convocatòria: BOE núm. 8 de 09/01/2024

Ayudas a proyectos de impulso de la infraestructura verde a través de la generación del conocimiento

Convocant: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico

Àrea de coneixement: Vida i salut

Termini sol·licitud: 20/2/2025

Informació convocatòria: BOE núm. 309 de 24/12/2024


12/1/2025  |  Ciencia i societat,  Experimentals i aplicades
Llum verda a la creació del Jardí Geològic de la Zona Universitària - Ajuntament de Barcelona
12/1/2025  |  Ciencia i societat,  Experimentals i aplicades
El Parc Astronòmic del Montsec tanca el 2024 amb més de 33.000 visites, el tercer millor registre de la seva història - Ferrocarrils
10/1/2025  |  Ciència i economia,  Enginyeria i arquitectura
El conseller Sàmper destaca la importància de la col·laboració entre l'empresa, el món local i l'R+D en el projecte FRED-HUB - Empresa i Treball
10/1/2025  |  Enginyeria i arquitectura,  Ciència i recerca
Els guanyadors del Barcelona Zero-G Challenge 2024 fan volar amb èxit el seu experiment en microgravetat - IEEC
9/1/2025  |  Ciència i economia,  Enginyeria i arquitectura
La UdL impulsa un laboratori virtual d'accessibilitat i usabilitat - UdL
9/1/2025  |  Ciència i economia,  Vida i salut
Onze projectes d’innovació en salut, seleccionats pel programa GIR-Innova - IDIBGI
9/1/2025  |  Ciència i economia,  Enginyeria i arquitectura
DHyNAMO i SHyP portaran SOFCs impreses en 3D al mercat - IREC
8/1/2025  |  Enginyeria i arquitectura,  Ciència i recerca
Next generation (European) computing – novel hardware for AI and beyond - European Science-Media Hub