La informació més destacada en Recerca i Innovació

Número 399 - 13 de juliol de 2020

Consulta el nostre històric Núm. 562 Núm. 561 Núm. 560 Núm. 559


COVID-19: Estat de la recerca - - Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI)

Durant l’actual crisi internacional que vivim amb la pandèmia del Covid-19 us donem accés a un complet butlletí amb un recull d’informacions i recursos que us aporta una completa i actualitzada visió de l’estat de la recerca i l’evolució constant de la pandèmia.

La biologia sintètica a Catalunya: Creació de la propera onada d’innovació en biotecnologia i creixement de la bioeconomia - Píndola tecnològica (Juliol 2020) - Agència per a la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIÓ)

La biologia sintètica es basa en el disseny i la construcció de peces, dispositius i sistemes biològics o la reenginyeria de sistemes biològics existents. El seu objectiu és el de donar solucions a problemes mèdics, en la producció d’aliments, d’energia o fàrmacs. Es tracta d’una tecnologia de gran importància en la indústria i que ofereix grans perspectives de futur en àmbits molt diferents i en termes d’oportunitats de negoci, de coneixement i d’innovació. A Catalunya s’han detectat una dotzena d’empreses que ja treballen amb biologia sintètica. La majoria d’aquestes empreses són startups i treballen sobretot en l’àmbit de la biomedicina.

Directorio de Parques Científicos y Tecnológicos de España 2020 - Asociación de Parques Científicos y Tecnológicos de España (APTE)

El Directorio anual de APTE es una publicación que edita la Asociación y que recoge información útil sobre todos los parques científicos y tecnológicos miembros de APTE; información de contacto, galerías de fotos, información técnica y servicios, entidades promotoras, enlaces a redes sociales, y mucho más.

Research & innovation valorisation channels and tools: Boosting the transformation of knowledge into new sustainable solutions - European Commission

In its conclusions on ‘Accelerating knowledge circulation in the EU’ (2018), the Council of the European Union called on the European Commission to develop a strategy to accelerate the potential uptake of research and innovation (R&I) results and data. This policy review is the first step for such a knowledge valorisation strategy. By identifying and analysing the main channels for knowledge valorisation, it provides a toolbox to promote the uptake of R&I results and data. To enhance the diffusion of excellent national, regional and organisation-level initiatives, it also includes references to European and international best practices.

Plan de choque para la ciencia y la innovación: Hacia una economía basada en ele conocimiento - Gobierno de España

Las 17 medidas del Plan de Choque suponen compromisos de inversión en 2020 y 2021 por un total de 1.056 millones de € en ayudas directas al sistema de ciencia e innovación, tanto a las instituciones científicas, como a los grupos de investigación universitarios y clínicos, así como a la I+D+I de sectores empresariales estratégicos.

A survey on monitoring innovation and societal impact of EU funded research - Factual summary report - Joint Research Centre (JRC). European Commission

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (EC) in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation initiated an activity to define suitable indicators to retrospectively assess the impact of EC-funded research. To this aim, the JRC conducted a survey addressed to current and former participants of EC-funded research projects in the fields of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. The aim of this activity is to gain insight and understanding related to the followings: - How EU-funded projects have contributed to innovation and major scientific breakthroughs; - How scientific results have translated into positive socioeconomic impacts; - What ingredients determined the success of research projects; - What scientific methods and research approaches underpinned the advances made.

Building digital workforce capacity and skills for data-intensive science - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

This report looks at the human resource requirements for data-intensive science, focusing primarily on research conducted in the public sector, and the related challenges and training needs. Digitalisation is, to some extent, being driven by science, while simultaneously affecting all aspects of scientific practice. Open science, including access to data, is being widely promoted, and investment in cyber-infrastructures and digital platforms is increasing; but inadequate attention has been given to the skills that researchers and research support professionals need to fully exploit these tools. The COVID-19 pandemic, which struck as this report was being finalised, has underscored the critical importance of data-intensive science and the need for strategic approaches to strengthening the digital capacity and skills of the scientific enterprise as a whole. The report includes policy recommendations for various actors and good practice examples to support these recommendations.

Artificial intelligence: How does it work, why does it matter, and what can we do about it? - Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is probably the defining technology of the last decade, and perhaps also the next. The aim of this study is to support meaningful reflection and productive debate about AI by providing accessible information about the full range of current and speculative techniques and their associated impacts, and setting out a wide range of regulatory, technological and societal measures that could be mobilised in response.

Recommendations on Research Assessment Processes - Science Europe

With limited funding and research positions available, there is increasing pressure on research organisations to put processes in place that ensure assessments of research quality are effective, efficient, fair, and transparent. For this reason, research organisations dedicate significant effort and resources towards the assessments they conduct, and continually look for ways to optimise and adapt these processes. This document presents a set of policy recommendations that can be used as a framework to guide the evaluation of these assessment processes. They were developed following an extensive study performed in 2019 and a comprehensive consultation process, and are intended for both Science Europe Member Organisations and other research organisations.

Women in Science 2020 (Fact Sheet) - UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Presents global and regional profiles, pinpointing where women thrive in this sector and where they are under-represented.

Identifying Inventions in the Public Domain: A Guide for Inventors and Entrepreneurs - World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

This guide aims to assist researchers, inventors and entrepreneurs in determining whether specific inventions are protected by enforceable patents or may be in the public domain, by teaching a three-stage process for searching and analyzing published patent documents using the tools of freedom to operate determination. Designed for self-study, the guide has easy-to-follow training modules that take the reader through the process step by step, including with the help of useful checklists and other tools.


Using Inventions in the Public Domain: A Guide for Inventors and Entrepreneurs - World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

This guide is designed to help researchers, inventors and entrepreneurs gain access to and use technology and business information and knowledge in the public domain, for the development of new innovative products and services in their own country. The focus of the guide is on information and technology disclosed in patent documents. Designed for self-study, the guide provides easy-to follow training modules that include teaching examples and other useful practical tools and resources.



Premi a l’Investigador o la Investigadora Jove de l’ICS 2020

Convocant: Institut Català de la Salut (ICS)

Àrea de coneixement: Vida i salut

Termini sol·licitud: 24/7/2020

Informació convocatòria: Bases de la convocatòria

Premi a la trajectòria investigadora a l’Atenció Primària de l'ICS 2020

Convocant: Institut Català de la Salut (ICS)

Àrea de coneixement: Vida i salut

Termini sol·licitud: 24/7/2020

Informació convocatòria: Bases de la convocatòria

Premi a la trajectòria investigadora als Hospitals de l'ICS 2020

Convocant: Institut Català de la Salut (ICS)

Àrea de coneixement: Vida i salut

Termini sol·licitud: 24/7/2020

Informació convocatòria: Bases de la convocatòria


Subvenciones a Acciones de Cooperación para el Desarrollo en el ámbito de la innovación correspondientes al año 2020

Convocant: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación

Àrea de coneixement: Humanes i socials

Termini sol·licitud: 3/8/2020

Informació convocatòria: BOE núm. 191 de 13/07/2020


13/7/2020  |  Ciència i economia
Europe is a global hub for innovation in 3D printing - EPO
10/7/2020  |  Ciència i economia
EU Prize for Women Innovators 2020: 21 entrepreneurs are through to the final - European Commission
10/7/2020  |  Ciència i economia,  Vida i salut
Alta Life Sciences i Asabys injecten 5,8 milions més al sector de les ciències de la vida i la salut - CataloniaBio
9/7/2020  |  Ciència i economia,  Vida i salut
Neix Gate2Brain, la "clau" per transportar fàrmacs al cervell i millorar la seva eficàcia - IRB Barcelona
9/7/2020  |  Ciència i economia,  Enginyeria i arquitectura
El patronat de Mobile World Capital Barcelona ratifica l’acord d’extensió del MWC Barcelona fins a 2024 - Ajuntament de Barcelona
8/7/2020  |  Enginyeria i arquitectura
i2CAT participates in the Cervera Network of Excellence Open-VERSO - i2CAT
7/7/2020  |  Ciència i recerca,  Vida i salut
Coronavirus research publishing: 10 universities with the highest number of COVID-19 publications - Nature Index
6/7/2020  |  Ciència i recerca,  Vida i salut
Un ingredient per al control del pes guanya el premi NutraIngredients Award - Eurecat
6/7/2020  |  Ciencia i educació,  Enginyeria i arquitectura
L'equip de la UAB guanya la First Lego League a nivell estatal - UAB