La informació més destacada en Recerca i Innovació

Número 449 - 27 de setembre de 2021

Consulta el nostre històric Núm. 562 Núm. 561 Núm. 560 Núm. 559


COVID-19: Estat de la recerca - - Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI)

Durant l’actual crisi internacional que vivim amb la pandèmia del Covid-19 us donem accés a un complet butlletí amb un recull d’informacions i recursos que us aporta una completa i actualitzada visió de l’estat de la recerca i l’evolució constant de la pandèmia.

Compàs Emprèn - El teu repositori d'impuls a l'emprenedoria - - Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI)

Aquest repositori, adreçat a tots els agents de l'àmbit de la recerca i la innovació que treballen i impulsen l'emprenedoria dels estudiants i titulats universitaris, siguin graduats, màsters o doctorands, us ofereix informació sobre les diferents iniciatives i programes de suport a l'emprenedoria disponibles.

U-Multirank - University and College Rankings 2021-2022 - Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS), Centre for Higher Education (CHE), Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Fundación CYD

This year's rankings will feature both an institutional ranking and 30 subject rankings - of which two are new this year: agriculture and veterinary science. Explore the profiles of 1,948 universities from 97 countries, and find your best matching university today with U-Multirank.

Boletín Mensual FECYT - Septiembre 2021 - Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT)

Responsible Research Assessment – GRC Conference Report - Global Research Council

A conference on Responsible Research Assessment was held with the support of the Global Research Council from 23 to 27 November 2020. This report presents the context for the conference, some key analytics and the main discussion outcomes. It also proposes next steps for the GRC.

Measuring the impact of urban innovation districts - Joint Research Centre (JRC). European Commission

Despite their significant impact on social and economic development, innovation districts are facing challenges due to inadequacy of policies in terms of horizontal and vertical coordination or due to the lack of integrative policy approach. Strategic and targeted policy support leads to the acceleration of the growth of innovation districts, impacting the development of cities in general. To reach the potential of innovation districts in benefiting their local communities and in enabling greater collaboration, in creating jobs, and in promoting regional competitiveness, it is important to facilitate the positive externalities created by innovation districts through targeted policies.

Implementing smart specialisation strategies: Analysis of the role of regional strategies in national innovation strategies - Joint Research Centre (JRC). European Commission

The report analyses the progress of Member States in the implementation of national and regional smart specialisation strategies (RIS3) in 2017 through an assessment of policy developments, progress in implementation of the different strategies, monitoring mechanisms and observed impacts. Using publicly available data as well as an expert survey, the analysis shows that in most countries RIS3 processes have been conducted at both national and regional levels. The use of thematic priorities for research and innovation, engaging stakeholders and opening up to bottom-up initiatives often implied a radical change to previous policymaking practices.

Main Science and Technology Indicators, Volume 2021 Issue 1 - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

This biannual publication provides a set of indicators that reflect the level and structure of the efforts undertaken by OECD member countries and seven non-member economies (Argentina, China, Romania, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Chinese Taipei) in the field of science and technology. These data include final or provisional results as well as forecasts established by government authorities. The indicators cover the resources devoted to research and development, patent families, technology balance of payments and international trade in R&D-intensive industries. Also presented are the underlying economic series used to calculate these indicators. Series are presented for a reference year and for the last six years for which data are available.

Open Reviewers Toolkit - PREreview Open Reviewers

A collection of open tools and resources developed by the PREreview Open Reviewers team to guide constructive, clear, and conscientious manuscript peer review.

The Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2021 - Startup Genome

With data from over 3 million companies across 280 ecosystems, the Report ranks the leading 140 ecosystems in the world, breakdowns by continent with regional insights, and founder-focused articles from thought leaders and experts.




Premis Institut d'Estudis de l'Autogovern 2021

Convocant: Departament de la Presidència

Àrea de coneixement: Humanes i socials

Termini sol·licitud: 6/10/2021

Informació convocatòria: DOGC núm. 8506 de 21/09/2021

Ajuts per al foment de la cultura científica a Catalunya

Convocant: Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI)

Àrea de coneixement: Genèriques

Termini sol·licitud: 20/10/2021

Informació convocatòria: Informació i bases de la convocatòria


Premios Nacionales de Investigación 2021

Convocant: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Àrea de coneixement: Genèriques

Termini sol·licitud: 15/10/2021

Informació convocatòria: BOE núm. 229 de 24/09/2021


Horizon - ERC Starting Grants (ERC-2022-STG)

Convocant: European Commission

Àrea de coneixement: Genèriques

Termini sol·licitud: 13/1/2022

Informació convocatòria: Call for proposals

23/9/2021  |  Ciencia i societat
Europeans strongly support science and technology according to new Eurobarometer survey - European Commission