La información más destacada en Investigación e Innovación

Número 345 - 6 de mayo de 2019

Consulta nuestro histórico Nº 563 Nº 562 Nº 561 Nº 560


Responsible research & innovation (RRI) Project directory - COMPASS

COMPASS has compiled an overview of RRI projects and initiatives carried out in Europe over the course of the past ten years. The COMPASS project directory below contains 130 publicly funded RRI projects in Europe and aims to facilitate the search for RRI projects in Europe. Responsible Innovation COMPASS is an EU-funded project that supports Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) from emerging technology industries to manage their research, development and innovation activities in a responsible and inclusive manner.

Research Futures: drivers and scenarios for the next decade - Elsevier / Ipsos MORI

The research ecosystem is undergoing rapid and profound change. This transformation is being fueled by a wide range of factors, from advances in technology and funding pressures to political uncertainty and population shifts. In an attempt to understand how these trends might shape the research landscape in the decade ahead, Elsevier joined forces with Ipsos MORI, one of the world’s largest research agencies. Together, they conducted a large-scale, future-scoping and scenario-planning study. Rather than focusing on which topics will be researched 10 years from now, they looked at how that research will be created and exchanged.

Summary report

Monitoring framework

4th Annual Report on Public-Public Partnerships 2018 - ERA-LEARN

Public-to-Public Partnerships (P2Ps) are research and innovation networks of public organisations like ministries or funding agencies. P2Ps align national strategies and help to overcome fragmentation of public research effort. They include networks supported by the European Commission such as ERA-NETs and Art 185s as well as member state-led Joint Programming Initiatives.

Transport Research and Innovation Achievements Report 2018 - European Commission

The Transport Research and Innovation (R&I) Achievements Reports provides a comprehensive analysis of transport R&I results and their contribution towards the fulfilment of major European policy goals. The analysis of the 2018 Transport R&I Achievements Report covers the European transport R&I projects completed in 2017. This Report brings forward the transport R&I major achievements and at highlighting their policy relevance.

Statement on artificial intelligence, robotics and 'autonomous' systems - European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies - European Commission

Advances in AI, robotics and so-called ‘autonomous’ technologies have ushered in a range of increasingly urgent and complex moral questions. Current efforts to find answers to the ethical, societal and legal challenges that they pose and to orient them for the common good represent a patchwork of disparate initiatives. This underlines the need for a collective, wide-ranging and inclusive process of reflection and dialogue, a dialogue that focuses on the values around which we want to organise society and on the role that technologies should play in it. This statement calls for the launch of a process that would pave the way towards a common, internationally recognised ethical and legal framework for the design, production, use and governance of artificial intelligence, robotics, and ‘autonomous’ systems. The statement also proposes a set of fundamental ethical principles, based on the values laid down in the EU Treaties and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, that can guide its development.

ICREA Memoir 2018 - Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA)

ICREA, Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies, is a foundation promoted by the Catalan Government to help the Catalan R&D system to attain global visibility and recognition. ICREA is an institution without walls. To achieve its goals it works in close cooperation with Catalan universities and research centres by means of long-term agreements that allow ICREA researchers to integrate fully in these institutions. This memoir tries to briefly summarize the activity of ICREA researchers, their research output and some of its social impact.

SSH-Impact Pathways and SSH-Integration in EU Research Framework Programmes - Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS)

This Working Paper builds on the scientific discourse on valuation of SSH research as well as SSH-integration in EU framework programmes and aims at summarizing the key findings from the November 2018 Austrian EU Presidency Conference “Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities for a European Research Agenda – Valuation of SSH in mission-oriented research”. It deals with the topic in three instalments. First, it will discuss recent trends in research funding. Second, it provides a brief historical overview of the efforts of integrating SSH into the EU Research Framework Programme. It then adds some observations about continued challenges in SSH. Finally, it will conclude with some suggestions for SSH scholars, based on the discussions from the conference. In that regard the Working Paper is also a document for further reading for those who have read earlier, shorter texts that were published in preparation of that conference.

A multistakeholder discussion on open access and medical publishing - International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP)

This white paper is intended to serve as an educational piece by providing a comprehensive, multistakeholder discussion
on the evolution, current, and anticipated future state of open access medical publishing. It is not meant to serve
as official guidance. The genesis of this white paper originated from an Industry Executive Forum meeting held on
April 30, 2018 in advance of the 14th Annual Meeting of ISMPP.

The White Paper covers a variety of key topics related to open access publishing, such as:
- Potential benefits and concerns of Plan S in Europe and its requirement that publications resulting from scientific research funded by public grants must be published in compliant open access journals/platforms by January 1, 2020
- Implications of open access for different stakeholders, including academic authors, patients, the pharmaceutical industry, and not-for-profit funders
- Various stakeholder perspectives on the future of open access

Student entrepreneurship at research-intensive universities. From a peripheral activity towards a new mainstream - League of European Research Universities (LERU)

The paper focuses on the role of research-intensive universities in stimulating and supporting initiatives and programmes related to student entrepreneurship, but also on their role as drivers of entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Executive summary

The digital innovation policy landscape in 2019 - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

How are OECD countries supporting digital innovation and ensuring that benefits spread across the economy? This paper explores the current landscape of strategies and initiatives implemented in OECD countries to support innovation in the digital age. It identifies common trends and differences in national digital, smart industry and artificial intelligence (AI) strategies. The paper also discusses policy instruments used across OECD to support digital innovation targeting four objectives: First, policies aimed at enhancing digital technology adoption and diffusion, including demonstration facilities for SMEs. Second, initiatives that promote collaborative innovation, including via the creation of digital innovation clusters and knowledge intermediaries. Third, support for research and innovation in key digital technologies, particularly AI (e.g. by establishing testbeds and regulatory sandboxes). Fourth, policies to encourage digital entrepreneurship (e.g. through early-stage business acceleration support).

Reuters Top 100: Europe’s Most Innovative Universities - 2019 - Reuters

Reuters’ annual ranking of Europe’s Most Innovative Universities identifies and ranks the educational institutions doing the most to advance science, invent new technologies, and help drive the global economy.

MIAR - Matriu d’Informació per a l’Anàlisi de Revistes (Versió 2019 live) - Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

Actualitzada anualment, la base de dades MIAR reuneix informació clau per a la identificació i l'anàlisi de revistes. Aquestes s'agrupen en grans àrees científiques -subdividides al seu torn en camps acadèmics més específics-. El sistema crea una matriu de correspondència entre les revistes, identificades pel seu ISSN i les bases de dades i repertoris que les indexen o inclouen. A més, s'indica el vincle a les webs dels editors i institucions responsables dels repertoris i fonts sempre que es disposa del mateix. MIAR és un instrument de suport per als que han de fer tasques d'avaluació: ara disposen de dades sobre la identificació i la difusió de les revistes on es publiquen els treballs objecte d'avaluació. MIAR inclou més de 40.000 publicacions, per a cadascuna de les quals s'analitza la seva presència a BBDDs i repertoris multidisciplinaris i com a resultat s'obté el seu ICDS.

#looopers - youtubers amb ADN UPC - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Sèrie de vídeos que la UPC impulsa amb la col·laboració de professors, investigadors i estudiants per divulgar la ciència i la tecnologia i promoure vocacions STEAM entre els més joves.



Ajuts a la transferència de coneixements entre investigadors i pescadors i la innovació en el sector de l'aqüicultura

Convocante: Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació

Área de conocimiento: Vida y salud

Plazo de solicitud: 29/05/2019

Información convocatoria: DOGC núm. 7863 de 30/04/2019

XVIII Premi a la Innovació Tecnològica Agroalimentària 2019 [Ampliació de termini]

Convocante: Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació

Área de conocimiento: Vida y salud

Plazo de solicitud: 08/07/2019

Información convocatoria: DOGC núm. 7866 de 03/05/2019


Convocatoria de concesión de ayudas para la creación de Redes de Investigación en Ciencias del Deporte para el año 2019

Convocante: Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte

Área de conocimiento: Vida y salud

Plazo de solicitud: 21/05/2019

Información convocatoria: BOE núm. 108 de 06/05/2019

Venture on the road

Convocante: SeedRocket / Banc Sabadell

Área de conocimiento: Genéricas

Plazo de solicitud: 22/05/2019

Información convocatoria: información de la convocatoria

Subvenciones a entidades del Tercer Sector u Organizaciones no Gubernamentales que desarrollen actividades de interés general consideradas de interés social en materia de investigación científica y técnica de carácter medioambiental

Convocante: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica

Área de conocimiento: Vida y salud

Plazo de solicitud: 27/05/2019

Información convocatoria: BOE núm. 108 de 06/05/2019

Premio a la Innovación Fundación Alberto Elzaburu para jóvenes emprendedores

Convocante: Fundación Alberto Elzaburu

Área de conocimiento: Genéricas

Plazo de solicitud: 01/07/2019

Información convocatoria: Bases del premio

Turkey – Spain 6th Call for EUREKA joint R&D&I projects

Convocante: Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI)

Área de conocimiento: Genéricas

Plazo de solicitud: 05/09/2019

Información convocatoria: Call for proposals


06/05/2019  |  Ciencia y economía
La indústria i el sector empresarial, prioritats del Govern -
06/05/2019  |  Ciencia y economía
Tres investigadors que treballen a Catalunya reben 450.000 euros complementaris de la UE per comercialitzar el resultat de la seva recerca - Representació de la Comissió Europea a Barcelona
05/05/2019  |  Ciencia y economía
Barcelona, distingida com a “Ciutat de la Ciència i la Innovació 2018” - Ajuntament de Barcelona
03/05/2019  |  Ciencia y sociedad
S’aprova la Iniciativa Ciutadana i el Pla Estratègic del Nou Model de Zoo de Barcelona - Ajuntament de Barcelona
03/05/2019  |  Ciencia y economía,  Vida y salud
CONVET S.L. i l’IRBLleida signen un acord de col·laboració - IRB Lleida
03/05/2019  |  Ciencia y economía
Joan Pino pren el relleu de Javier Retana com a nou director del CREAF - CREAF
03/05/2019  |  Ciencia y economía,  Ingeniería y arquitectura
Quinze projectes participen en la segona edició del programa d’emprenedoria Reimagine Textile en el sector de la moda - Tecnocampus
03/05/2019  |  Ciencia y educación
El Mercat de Tecnologia d’Osona arriba a la seva desena edició - UVic-UCC
02/05/2019  |  Experimentales y aplicadas
El CIMNE, soci tecnològic del projecte REALQUIRUR - UPC
02/05/2019  |  Ciencia y economía
54 ERC grantees backed to bring research findings to market - ERC
30/04/2019  |  Ciencia y sociedad
Sant Andreu explora la ciència ciutadana en el Calidoscopi Cultural 2019 - Ajuntament de Barcelona
30/04/2019  |  Ciencia y economía,  Ciencia y sociedad
Un estudio analiza la repercusión académica de la divulgación científica institucional - UC3M