La información más destacada en Investigación e Innovación

Número 491 - 12 de septiembre de 2022

Consulta nuestro histórico Nº 563 Nº 562 Nº 561 Nº 560


L’Estat de la Ciència a Catalunya - - Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI)

L’Estat de la Ciència a Catalunya és un informe biennal que neix de la necessitat de disposar de dades actualitzades de la recerca i la innovació catalana, i analitzar, de forma sistemàtica i contextualitzada, els seus resultats a nivell europeu. A partir de les dades i indicadors més rellevants, aportades pels diferents agents del sistema de recerca i innovació, es posa en relleu l’estat de la nostra recerca, detectant-ne tant les fortaleses com els punts de millora, permetent alhora apreciar-ne l’evolució al llarg del temps.
Resum executiu
Taula d'indicadors 2021
Glossari indicadors
Web informe

Pla d'enfortiment de la llengua catalana en el sistema universitari i de recerca de Catalunya - Departament de Recerca i Universitats

El Pla d’enfortiment de la llengua catalana en el sistema universitari i de recerca de Catalunya va ser aprovat per la Junta del Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya el 27 de maig de 2022, i presentat públicament el dia 2 de juny. Aquest Pla és fruit d’un gran acord del sistema universitari i de recerca de Catalunya per reforçar el català en el món acadèmic i de la recerca.

Manual for Scientific Entrepreneurship - EURAXESS

Thinking about valorising your research results? The manual for Scientific Entrepreneurship will help you learn about the major steps for research results valorisation and you will get practical tips, links and recommendations.

Knowledge ecosystems in the new ERA: Using a competence-based approach for career development in academia and beyond - European Commission

This policy brief, as part of the wider study “Knowledge ecosystems in the new ERA”, presents the European Competence Framework for Researchers ‘ResearchComp’, developed in line with the new ERA communication and the Skills Agenda, and based on the new taxonomy of researchers’ skills that the Commission formulated with stakeholders to update the European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) classification. ResearchComp is the first European competence framework that is directly linked to ESCO. Together with the new ESCO update, it will foster the recognition of the researcher profession, and support targeted training and inter-sectoral mobility.

Proposal for a Council recommendation on the guiding principles for knowledge valorisation - European Commission

In 2008, the Commission issued a Recommendation on the management of intellectual property (IP) in knowledge transfer activities and a Code of Practice for universities and other public research organisations (C(2008)1329). The research and innovation (R&I) landscape has changed considerably since 2008 in terms of actors and complexity of the R&I ecosystems, as well as in terms of global challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has also demonstrated the urgent need to use and valorise the R&I knowledge generated in the European Union (EU). This requires policymakers to set new objectives and provide updated guidance on knowledge valorisation. The guiding principles for knowledge valorisation will replace the 2008 Commission Recommendation by focussing on maximising the value of the R&I investments beyond the traditional knowledge transfer.

Study on the Open Data Directive, Data Governance and Data Act and their possible impact on research - European Commission

This study analyses the possible impact of three major legislative instruments in the European Sstrategy for data (the Open Data Directive, the Data Governance Act and the proposed Data Act) for the field of research, especially for research performing organisations and research funding organisations. It does so against the background of the European Open Science policy pursued, in which the development of a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is a major undertaking. Although the impact is difficult to assess at this stage, the study identifies and makes recommendations about key legal issues that need to be resolved. These have to do with ambiguities in the scope of application to research data, the interpretation of provisions, and the consistency between the instruments from the perspective of open science research policy.

Ethical and societal challenges of the approaching technological storm - European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS). European Parliament

Supported by the arrival of 5G and, soon 6G, digital technologies are evolving towards an artificial intelligence-driven internet of robotic and bionano things. The merging of artificial intelligence (AI) with other technologies such as the internet of things (IoT) gives rise to acronyms such as 'AIoT', 'IoRT' (IoT and robotics) and 'IoBNT' (IoT and bionano technology). Blockchain, augmented reality and virtual reality add even more technological options to the mix. Smart bodies, smart homes, smart industries, smart cities and smart governments lie ahead, with the promise of many benefits and opportunities. However, unprecedented amounts of personal data will be collected, and digital technologies will affect the most intimate aspects of our life more than ever, including in the realms of love and friendship. This study offers a bird's eye perspective of the key societal and ethical challenges we can expect as a result of this convergence, and policy options that can be considered to address them effectively.

Annex 1

Weak signals in science and technologies in 2021: Technologies at a very early stage of development that could impact the future - Joint Research Centre (JRC). European Commission

Early identification of today’s emerging technologies is key for the design of new policies by policymakers, who need to be made aware of potentially disrupting technologies or scientific development as early as possible to develop well-fitted policies that secure both a stable business environment for industrial actors and a safe and secure society for citizens to live in. This report is the third annual report on weak signals in technology and science published by the Joint Research Centre and presents a list of 93 weak signals in 2021. These early signs of emerging technologies or products were detected using text mining, clustering techniques and scientometric indicators applied on a corpus of peer-reviewed scientific publications (Scopus).


L’àmbit de les STEM no atreu el talent femení - Observatori Social de ”la Caixa”

La necessitat d’intensificar la participació de les dones en les àrees de ciència, tecnologia, enginyeria i matemàtiques (o STEM, per la sigla d’aquestes àrees en anglès) està en el centre del debat públic. Cada vegada més, les professions requereixen tota una sèrie de coneixements tècnics, per la qual cosa la baixa participació de les dones a les STEM les pot deixar en una situació de desigualtat respecte als homes.

Implementing the OECD Frascati Manual: Proposed reference items for business R&D surveys - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

This working paper contains guidance, of a voluntary and indicative nature, on the implementation of business R&D surveys, consistent with the standards and proposals contained in the OECD Frascati Manual. The document is oriented towards experts in charge of designing and implementing official R&D surveys, but may be also valuable to academics and researchers with a similar practical orientation. It aims to promote widespread testing and implementation in view of a potential future revision of the Frascati Manual or release of complementary annexes.



Subvencions destinades a projectes de recerca en l'àmbit de la qualitat democràtica per a l'any 2023

Convocante: Departament d'Acció Exterior i Govern Obert

Área de conocimiento: Humanas y sociales

Plazo de solicitud: 07/10/2022

Información convocatoria: DOGC núm. 8747 de 07/09/2022


Premios Nacionales de Medioambiente y de Energía 2022

Convocante: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico

Área de conocimiento: Genéricas

Plazo de solicitud: 30/09/2022

Información convocatoria: BOE núm. 217 de 09/09/2022


EIT RawMaterials Regional Innovation Competition 2022

Convocante: EIT RawMaterials

Área de conocimiento: Genéricas

Plazo de solicitud: 01/10/2022

Información convocatoria: Call for proposals


09/09/2022  |  Ciencia y economía,  Ingeniería y arquitectura
Catalunya, pionera en la implementació de la seguretat quàntica a Internet - Recerca i Universitats
09/09/2022  |  Ciencia y economía,  Ingeniería y arquitectura
Un robot redueix un 400 % el cost de la soldadura microelectrònica i és fins a vint vegades més precís - UOC
08/09/2022  |  Ciencia y economía
El Consorci de la Zona Franca suma a VDMHealth al seu ecosistema empresarial 4.0 - Consorci Zona Franca Barcelona
08/09/2022  |  Ciència e investigación,  Ingeniería y arquitectura
The SOLARUP project led by Prof. Jordi Arbiol receives an EIC Pathfinder Open grant - ICN2
07/09/2022  |  Ciencia y economía
Danone anuncia l'obertura a Barcelona del seu primer 'hub' tecnològic a l'Estat - Empresa i Treball
07/09/2022  |  Ciència e investigación,  Ingeniería y arquitectura
Diana Morant: “El Gobierno de España va a movilizar más de 800 M€ en proyectos de investigación en transición energética” - Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
07/09/2022  |  Ciencia y economía,  Ingeniería y arquitectura
BASF col·labora amb el sincrotró alba per a optimitzar la producció de bateries per a cotxes elèctrics - ALBA-CELLS
06/09/2022  |  Ciencia y economía
Quatre investigadors de centres catalans rebran una beca ERC Proof of Concept - Departament d'Acció Exterior i Govern Obert
06/09/2022  |  Ciència e investigación
Es crea la Càtedra UB Joan Brossa - UB
06/09/2022  |  Ciència e investigación,  Vida y salud
El Govern aprova el Pla estratègic de recerca i innovació en salut 2022-2027 - Recerca i Universitats