La informació més destacada en Recerca i Innovació

Número 459 - 13 de desembre de 2021

Consulta el nostre històric Núm. 562 Núm. 561 Núm. 560 Núm. 559


Compàs Emprèn - El teu repositori d'impuls a l'emprenedoria - - Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI)

Aquest repositori, adreçat a tots els agents de l'àmbit de la recerca i la innovació que treballen i impulsen l'emprenedoria dels estudiants i titulats universitaris, siguin graduats, màsters o doctorands, us ofereix informació sobre les diferents iniciatives i programes de suport a l'emprenedoria disponibles.

The State of European Tech 2021 - Atomico

The aim of this report is to provide a useful, credible and transparent data-driven look inside the European tech ecosystem. The State of European Tech report looks at capital flows over the last few years, and combines it with an assessment of local talent, the strength of our tech communities, and the exit landscape.

Baròmetre del sector tecnològic a Catalunya 2021 - Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya (CTecno)

Informe de referència de l’ecosistema TIC català que recull una mostra representativa del teixit empresarial per mesurar el seu comportament i impacte en l’economia i la societat. A l’edició d’enguany, hi han participat 1.104 empreses repartides entre 493 empreses d’oferta i 611 empreses de demanda de l’ecosistema tecnològic.

Jornadas Técnicas de RedOTRI 2021 (Online, 20/09/2021 - 07/10/2021) - Presentaciones - Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas (CRUE)

Enabling open science and societal engagement in research - European Commission

This report presents insights and recommendations from a workshop held on 1 July 2021 attended by beneficiaries of the Science with and for Society (SwafS) Responsible Research and Innovation institutional change portfolio of projects funded under Horizon 2020 and the initial group of European University Alliances under the European Universities Initiative that received funding under the SwafS programme. Participants discussed how open science and societal engagement could be enabled to become the norm in research performing organisations across the European Research Area, with a particular focus on universities.

CORDIS Results Pack on artificial intelligence and industry - European Commission

AI and advanced robotics are opening new horizons in all sectors of industry, in terms of both developing novel manufacturing techniques, as well as revising the interaction between human workers and automated tools. This new Results Pack presents the results of 14 innovative Horizon 2020 projects reshaping AI and industry. This CORDIS Results Pack showcases 14 trailblazing projects that are shaping the future with AI technologies designed to support and boost industry and manufacturing across a range of objectives.

European research & innovation days 2021 - Conference report - European Commission

European Research and Innovation Days is the European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, bringing together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.

A guide for fostering entrepreneurship education - Five key actions towards a digital, green and resilient Europe - Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME). European Commission

Europe needs more people who tackle pressing societal challenges: above all the twin transition to a digital and green society as well as pandemic recovery. Entrepreneurship education (EE) can unleash the potential of Europeans to master climate change and digitisation and to build a more resilient society. In order to enhance European cooperation and strategy building in EE, the European Commission implemented the project “Peer-Learning Activities in Entrepreneurship Education and in Women’s Entrepreneurship” (2018–2021). This Guide is a final output of the project. The target group is decision makers in governments, schools and higher education, civil society, and business – on local, regional, national, and European level.

Industrial innovation for competitive sustainability - Science-to-policy evidence from the 8th European conference on corporate R&D and innovation (CONCORDi 2021) - Joint Research Centre (JRC). European Commission

This background note describes five core global disruptions affecting the world economy in the context of industrial innovation for competitive sustainability. It discusses how scientific evidence presented at the 8th CONCORDi conference proposes to tackle some of these disruptions, and concludes by highlighting the policy-relevant issues. This resonates with CONCORDi’s science-to-policy objective from the four conference organisers JRC, EARTO, OECD and UNIDO. The note is addressed to the participants of CONCORDi 2021 as well as to a wider audience interested in the main themes of this conference.

The Missing Entrepreneurs 2021 - Policies for Inclusive Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

The Missing Entrepreneurs 2021 is the sixth edition in a series of biennial reports that examine how public policies at national, regional and local levels can support job creation, economic growth and social inclusion by overcoming obstacles to business start-ups and self-employment by people from disadvantaged or under-represented groups in entrepreneurship. It shows that there are substantial untapped opportunities for entrepreneurship in populations such as women, youth, the unemployed, and immigrants and highlights the need for more differentiated government entrepreneurship policies that respond to the specific barriers they face.


Research Infrastructures mobilisation in response to COVID-19: lessons learned - Science Europe

This report provides a summary of the virtual workshop organised by OECD Global Science Forum and Science Europe in May 2021 and set up as a satellite event of the International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2021). The report concentrates on key elements of the presentations and on the discussions that took place during sessions.



The Collider Tech Transfer Programme for Disruptive Digital Startups - Call for Tech 2022

Convocant: Mobile World Capital Barcelona

Àrea de coneixement: Genèriques

Termini sol·licitud: 27/2/2022

Informació convocatòria: Call for applications


Convocatoria 2021 de ayudas a proyectos estratégicos orientados a la transición ecológica y a la transición digital

Convocant: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Àrea de coneixement: Genèriques

Termini sol·licitud: 19/1/2022

Informació convocatòria: BOE núm. 293 de 08/12/2021

Convocatoria 2021 de ayudas a «Centros de Excelencia Severo Ochoa» y «Unidades de Excelencia María de Maeztu»

Convocant: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Àrea de coneixement: Genèriques

Termini sol·licitud: 22/2/2022

Informació convocatòria: BOE núm. 293 de 08/12/2021

12/12/2021  |  Ciència i economia,  Enginyeria i arquitectura
Barcelona escala a la 7a posició europea per volum invertit en companyies tecnològiques - Ajuntament de Barcelona
10/12/2021  |  Ciència i recerca,  Enginyeria i arquitectura
Telefónica i les universitats Pompeu Fabra i Politècnica de Catalunya renoven la Càtedra sobre Cognitive IoT - UPF
10/12/2021  |  Ciència i recerca
La UOC, set anys de consolidació d'una universitat de recerca - UOC
10/12/2021  |  Ciència i economia,  Enginyeria i arquitectura
Més de 1.000 persones participen en el JUMP2DIGITAL, el primer gran esdeveniment dirigit al talent digital - Polítiques Digitals
10/12/2021  |  Ciència i economia
Una idea de negoci de la UdL, premi Iberus-Exolum - UdL
3/12/2021  |  Ciència i economia
Premis Emprèn 2021: nou impuls a l'emprenedoria local - Diputació de Tarragona
2/12/2021  |  Ciència i economia,  Enginyeria i arquitectura
L'ecosistema TIC ratifica el seu pes creixent en el PIB català i el seu rol com a motor de transformació econòmica i social - Polítiques Digitals