La información más destacada en Investigación e Innovación

Número 486 - 4 de julio de 2022

Consulta nuestro histórico Nº 562 Nº 561 Nº 560 Nº 559


Compàs Funds - Oportunitats en ciència i tecnologia - - Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI)

Compàs Funds ofereix informació sobre les principals oportunitats d'impuls i finançament per a la recerca, la transferència de coneixement i l'emprenedoria científica i tecnològica, tant per a investigadors com per a joves empresaris. Mitjançant un senzill cercador es pot accedir a aquelles convocatòries que més s'ajustin als criteris de cada usuari.

Novetats documentals de Recerca i Universitats - Juny 2022 - Departament de Recerca i Universitats

CORDIS Results Pack on Open Innovation Test Beds - European Commission

The development of innovative advanced materials is essential to meet Europe’s long-term economic, technological and environmental goals. Composite materials are used in a broad range of applications, from medical devices to automobile parts, and by the pharmaceutical, energy and construction industries, and much more. Compared to existing materials, these composites are stronger, lighter, more sustainable, less toxic, and have functionalities such as flameproofing, scratch resistance, biosafety, and embedded electronics. European SMEs and industries working in these ecosystems face important challenges. They need to test and validate new and essential technologies before commercialisation. At the same time, the speed and complexity of innovation is increasing, and high capital investment is demanded. Often, SMEs and industrial start-ups cannot afford to invest in their own testing and validation infrastructures. That is why the EU invested more than EUR 285 million to support access to Open Innovation Test Beds (OITBs). These provide access to the physical facilities and services required for the development, testing and upscaling of nanotechnology and advanced materials.

Building the Foundations of Research: A Vision for the Future of Doctoral Education in Europe - European University Association (EUA)

This document analyses intrinsic and extrinsic drivers that shape the future of doctoral education in Europe and suggests possible ways forward for universities to meet current and future challenges in this key area. It also serves as a source of reflection for universities that wish to keep their strategies and processes up to date in a fast-changing world.

U-Ranking 2022 - Indicadores sintéticos de las universidades españolas - Fundación BBVA / Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE)

El documento U-Ranking (Indicadores Sintéticos del Sistema Universitario Español) 2022 presenta la décima edición de los resultados de las universidades en sus actividades docentes y de investigación e innovación, ofreciendo una ordenación de las instituciones para cada dimensión y para el conjunto de las actividades universitarias.

Advancing the entrepreunerial university: Lessons learned from 13 HEInnovate country reviews - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Higher education institutions (HEIs) are more critical than ever to help societies respond to the complex challenges of our times. Recognising that these challenges require HEIs to adopt holistic innovations in teaching, research and collaboration activities, the European Commission (EC) and the OECD have developed the HEInnovate guiding framework. HEInnovate promotes innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education and provides guidance to policy makers and HEIs that want to generate additional societal and economic value.This policy brief distils the main findings and recommendations of 13 HEInnovate Country Reviews that have examined higher education system and institution, identifying factors affecting the delivery of the entrepreneurial and innovation agenda in higher education. Looked at in the round, the country reviews provide HE leaders with peer-learning and best practices, policy makers with tested policy solutions and the European Union and the OECD with a deeper understanding of the state of innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education.

The experimental research funder’s handbook - Research on Research Institute

Across the research funding community, there is a growing appetite for more sophisticated approaches to evidence gathering and experimentation, to inform decision-making. Research funders are at different stages of this journey, and don’t always benefit as much as they might from the experiences of others, or from the latest academic work in this field. This Handbook aims to provide a practical resource for research funders looking to move further or faster down an experimental path.

RRI Leaders 1st Policy Brief - Leveraging leadership for RRI in territories - RRI Leaders Project

The brief collects together findings from the RRI audits plus the results from the DELPHI survey rounds in the 4 territories to create discourses around policy implications beyond the involved territories’ context, thus highlighting the added value, replicability, and transformative potential of RRI-LEADERS. It  features short example stories as supporting evidence for possible policy options on a territorial level.



Ajuts del programa de cupons a la competitivitat empresarial - Cupons Innovació

Convocante: Agència per a la Competitivitat de l’Empresa (ACCIÓ)

Área de conocimiento: Genéricas

Plazo de solicitud: 29/07/2022

Información convocatoria: DOGC núm. 8701 de 04/07/2022

Premis Nacionals de Recerca 2022

Convocante: Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI)

Área de conocimiento: Genéricas

Plazo de solicitud: 28/09/2022

Información convocatoria: Informació de la convocatòria


Ayudas para el apoyo a agrupaciones empresariales innovadoras

Convocante: Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo

Área de conocimiento: Genéricas

Plazo de solicitud: 26/07/2022

Información convocatoria: BOE núm. 154 de 28/06/2022

Ayudas Beatriz Galindo para la atracción del talento investigador

Convocante: Ministerio de Universidades

Área de conocimiento: Genéricas

Plazo de solicitud: 28/07/2022

Información convocatoria: BOE núm. 154 de 28/06/2022


Horizon - Innovative Health Initiative (HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-01-single-stage)

Convocante: European Commission

Área de conocimiento: Vida y salud

Plazo de solicitud: 20/09/2022

Información convocatoria: Call information

Horizon - Innovative Health Initiative (HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-02-two-stage)

Convocante: European Commission

Área de conocimiento: Vida y salud

Plazo de solicitud: 20/09/2022

Información convocatoria: Call information


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El Departament de Recerca i Universitats i l’FCRI convoquen la 33a edició dels Premis Nacionals de Recerca (PNR 2022) - FCRI
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Tres propostes guanyen el repte per crear el panot del segle XXI - Ajuntament de Barcelona
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