La información más destacada en Investigación e Innovación

Número 475 - 19 de abril de 2022

Consulta nuestro histórico Nº 562 Nº 561 Nº 560 Nº 559


Compàs Emprèn - El teu repositori d'impuls a l'emprenedoria - - Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI)

Aquest repositori, adreçat a tots els agents de l'àmbit de la recerca i la innovació que treballen i impulsen l'emprenedoria dels estudiants i titulats universitaris, siguin graduats, màsters o doctorands, us ofereix informació sobre les diferents iniciatives i programes de suport a l'emprenedoria disponibles.

Citizen Science Toolkit - CitieS-Health

The CitieS-Health Toolkit provides a customised and interactive collection of adaptable instruments to empower anybody to engage communities to solve issues of common concerns and deploy actions for making your world a better place to live in.

CORDIS Results Pack on citizen science - European Commission

Citizen science, for which citizens collaborate with scientists on research and innovation, has the potential to improve the excellence and impact of research and deepen the relationship between science and society. This results pack showcases 12 EU-funded projects that are developing good practices as well as building the capacities and networks needed to foster successful collaborations with citizens across Europe.

Open Science and Intellectual Property Rights - European Commission

This report presents the result of a study that explores the inter-actions and the balance between Open Science and Intellectual Property Rights. The report presents the state of the art and re-flections to scope the statement 'as open as possible, as closed as necessary' in the context of an evolving and open Research and Innovation ecosystem. Furthermore, the report identifies concrete recommendations for policy makers and for IPR practitioners on the promotion of Open Science and its balance with IPR for better knowledge dissemination to the benefit of all.

EPO Patent Index 2021 - European Patent Office (EPO)

Patent Index 2021 provides a comprehensive overview of the figures representing recent activity in the global patent system. It also offers insights into emerging technology trends.

Key figures infographic

Patent statistics 2021 at a glance

Doctoral education in Europe: current developments and trends - European University Association (EUA)

This publication provides an up-to-date overview of important developments in doctoral education in Europe. With 138 responses from 28 European countries, the survey report outlines the strategic priorities and the main thematic areas in which European universities are engaging, in the field of doctoral education. The EUA-CDE survey, conducted between March and May 2021, gathered evidence on several important aspects in this field. This includes an overview of transversal skills training in Europe and how institutions assess the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on doctoral education. This publication also provides insights into the current situation of postdoctoral researchers, namely questions about their number, the average duration of their employment, the nature of their work and the additional training they may receive while being part of a university.

Lecciones y retos tras dos años de pandemia - Avance de resultados - Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT)

El informe “Lecciones y retos tras dos años de pandemia” es el primero de una serie de estudios de tendencias de la investigación española que FECYT realizará cada año y en los que se analizarán temas de actualidad científica. Ahora se publica un avance de resultados de este primer informe, cuyo objetivo es analizar la respuesta de la sociedad española ante la enfermedad COVID-19 desde tres ámbitos: la investigación, la innovación a través de las empresas y la ciudadanía en general.

Citizen Science and Social Innovation: Mutual Relations, Barriers, Needs, and Development Factors - International Political Science Association

Social innovations are usually understood as new ideas, initiatives, or solutions that make it possible to meet the challenges of societies in fields such as social security, education, employment, culture, health, environment, housing, and economic development. On the one hand, many citizen science activities serve to achieve scientific as well as social and educational goals. Thus, these actions are opening an arena for introducing social innovations. On the other hand, some social innovations are further developed, adapted, or altered after the involvement of scientist-supervised citizens (laypeople or volunteers) in research and with the use of the citizen science tools and methods such as action research, crowdsourcing, and community-based participatory research.

Main Science and Technology Indicators, Volume 2021 Issue 2 - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

This biannual publication provides a set of indicators that reflect the level and structure of the efforts undertaken by OECD member countries and seven non-member economies (Argentina, China, Romania, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Chinese Taipei) in the field of science and technology. These data include final or provisional results as well as forecasts established by government authorities. The indicators cover the resources devoted to research and development, patent families, technology balance of payments and international trade in R&D-intensive industries. Also presented are the underlying economic series used to calculate these indicators. Series are presented for a reference year and for the last six years for which data are available.


World Intellectual Property Report 2022 - The Direction of Innovation - World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

What is the direction of innovation? As the world looks to rebuild from the pandemic, innovation has a crucial role to play in opening up new growth possibilities and creating much needed solutions to the common challenges we face. Decisions on innovation may be complex, but, as this report highlights, it is vital that they are understood.

Executive Summary



Subvencions per a projectes de difusió de la recerca en l'àmbit de les lletres catalanes per a l'any 2022

Convocante: Oficina de Suport a la Iniciativa Cultural

Área de conocimiento: Humanas y sociales

Plazo de solicitud: 28/04/2022

Información convocatoria: DOGC núm. 8645 de 11/04/2022

Subvencions per al finançament del Programa per promoure l'emprenedoria territorial especialitzada (Programa primer de preacceleració)

Convocante: Departament d'Empresa i Treball

Área de conocimiento: Genéricas

Plazo de solicitud: 29/04/2022

Información convocatoria: DOGC núm. 8646 de 12/04/2022

Ajuts a treballs de recerca en l'àmbit de la pau (R-ICIP 2022)

Convocante: Institut Català Internacional per la Pau (ICIP)

Área de conocimiento: Humanas y sociales

Plazo de solicitud: 01/05/2022

Información convocatoria: DOGC núm. 8639 de 01/04/2022

SmartCatalonia Challenge - Reptes Museus de Catalunya

Convocante: Secretaria de Polítiques Digitals

Área de conocimiento: Ingeniería y arquitectura

Plazo de solicitud: 01/07/2022

Información convocatoria: Informació de la convocatòria


II Edición Concurso de Divulgación Científica #HiloTesis 2022

Convocante: Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas (CRUE)

Área de conocimiento: Genéricas

Plazo de solicitud: 30/04/2022

Información convocatoria: Información del concurso

Ayudas para la preparación y gestión de proyectos europeos 2022

Convocante: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Área de conocimiento: Genéricas

Plazo de solicitud: 12/05/2022

Información convocatoria: BOE núm. 85 de 09/04/2022


19/04/2022  |  Ciència e investigación,  Ingeniería y arquitectura
Ajuda europea per a validar eines d’intel·ligència artificial que siguin sensibles als valors humans - IMIM
14/04/2022  |  Ciencia y sociedad
To know if citizen science is successful, measure it - Horizon Magazine
11/04/2022  |  Ciencia y educación
Bioenginyeria a les escoles rurals - IBEC
08/04/2022  |  Ciencia y economía,  Ingeniería y arquitectura
La UPC acollirà, per tres anys més, la incubadora d’empreses ESA BIC Barcelona, al Campus del Baix Llobregat - UPC
08/04/2022  |  Ciencia y economía,  Ingeniería y arquitectura
Catalunya reactiva la incubadora ESA-BIC per impulsar l'emprenedoria i la innovació en tecnologies de l'espai - Polítiques Digitals
07/04/2022  |  Ciència e investigación,  Ingeniería y arquitectura
Seven Catalan universities and BIB launch the first official Master's Degree in Biomedical Data Sciences in Europe - BIB
07/04/2022  |  Ciencia y economía,  Vida y salud
Diana Morant anuncia una convocatoria de 25 M€ para proyectos de I+D+I en salud - Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
05/04/2022  |  Ciència e investigación
El Gobierno aprueba un Real Decreto Ley que facilita la contratación indefinida en el Sistema Público de Ciencia - Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
05/04/2022  |  Ciència e investigación,  Vida y salud
L'ús de microones a les farines de fajol, premi 'La ciència en femení' - UdL